
simplicité, nature, sensualité

gallery nathalie obadia

8 rue Charles Decoster - 1050 Brussels - Belgium
01/26/2018 - 03/21/2018

Galerie Nathalie Obadia is very pleased to present Simplicité-Nature-Sensualité, Wang Keping’s first solo in Belgium. An exclusive event since the artist, born in Beijing in 1949, is one of the founding fathers of Chinese contemporary art and recognized as such in his own homeland despite his political exile in 1984. In France, his adoptive land, he has since then built a work internationally considered among the most impacting and original contributions to contemporary sculpture.

The present exhibition held at the Galerie Nathalie Obadia of Brussels gathers about twenty exclusive artworks by Wang Keping and captures the essence of a work admired for nearly four decades. Witness of its quiet birth, British historian of modern and contemporary Chinese art Michael Sullivan (1916-2013) has warned us against too much explanation and theoretic analyses to describe Wang Keping’s sculpture. It “can stands on its own”, he wrote, since “its meaning lays in its form. And what a form!” Wang Keping’s sculptures exude a sort of primitive aura that inspires viewers a feeling of fulfillment.

Wang Keping, Solo exhibition 2018 : simplicité, nature, sensualité, Galerie Obadia Brussels

exhibition's view