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Wang Keping et le corps représenté
Gallerie Nathalie Obadia
8 rue Charles DECOSTER - B-1050 Bruxelles
- Belgique
05/30/2024 - 07/13/2024
05/30/2024 - 07/13/2024
The group exhibition Wang Keping et le corps représenté, showcasing artworks
by eleven of the gallery’s artists. Wang Keping’s sculptures are placed in dialogue with photographs, drawings, and other
sculptures, all revolving around a common theme: the human body. While some of the artworks depict the body directly, others
suggest it, going so far as to reveal, through shapes and colours, the diversity of emotions that can run through it. In this way, this
exhibition presents the body through the lens of contemporary artists, offering a poetic exploration of its many facets.
wang keping studio